Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering with Operations Research Focus
Course Requirements
NOTE: Course descriptions can be found in the Graduate Bulletin.
The Operations Research Focus Area Qualifying Exam should be taken after taking the three core courses listed and three additional 5XX-level graduate classroom courses (9 credits) with an average GPA of 3.33 in all six classes.
Core Group
All courses in this group must be taken.
- IE 597: Advanced Linear Programming
- IE 597: Advanced Stochastic Processes
- IE 521: Nonlinear Programming
The additional 500-level required classroom courses can be taken in any subject area, however, students are strongly encouraged to take their additional courses in the operations research areas from Domains A and B (listed below), with at least one course from each domain. In addition, students are highly encouraged to take STAT 514 (Theory of Statistics II).
- Domain A: Mathematical Programming
IE 510: Integer Programming
IE 512: Graphs and Networks
IE 519: Dynamic Programming
IE 520: Multiple Criteria Optimization
IE 588: Nonlinear Networks and the Price of Anarchy
IE 589: Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games
IE 597X: Convex Optimization
IE 597X: Robust Optimization
IE 597X: Stochastic Optimization
- Domain B: Stochastic Processes/Statistical Methods
IE 509: Operations Research: Waiting Line Models
IE 511: Experimental Design in Engineering
IE 522: Discrete Event Systems Simulation
IE 530: Introduction to Financial Engineering
IE 555: Statistical Process Monitoring and Analysis
IE 583: Response Surface Methodology and Optimization
IE 584: Time Series Control and Process Adjustment
IE 597X: Stochastic Optimization
EE 560: Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes
STAT 513: Theory of Statistics I
STAT/MATH 517: Probability Theory I
STAT/MATH 518: Probability Theory II
STAT/MATH 519: Topics in Stochastic Processes
STAT 551: Linear Models
STAT/MATH 557: Data Mining I
STAT 561: Statistical Inference I
Additional Information
- Transferring Academic Credits
- Registration Requirements
- Typical Time Sequence
- Qualifying Examination
- Doctoral Committee
- English Proficiency Examination
- Comprehensive Examination
- Dissertation Requirements
- Final Defense
Resident Graduate Programs:
- Overview
- Master of Science
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Dual Degrees
- Collaborative Degrees
Contact Information:
- Graduate Program Office
344 Leonhard Building
University Park, PA 16802