Typical Time Sequence

The time required to complete a Ph.D. varies, depending on whether the student enters with a B.S. or an M.S. and many other factors. The following shows a typical sequence, including the M.S. For the purpose of illustration, it is assumed that a student has a half-time assistantship and takes 9-11 credits per semester.

  • Year 1: Begin graduate study
  • Year 2: Complete M.S. Degree Qualifying Examination and English Proficiency Examination; form Ph.D. committee by the end of the year
  • Year 3: Comprehensive Examination dissertation proposal
  • Year 4: Final defense completed

This time sequence should be reduced by approximately one year for students beginning the Ph.D. program with an M.S. In effect, these students start at the beginning of the second year. It is very important for these students to identify an area of interest and adviser soon after beginning the program.

Typical course work cannot be specified without making more assumptions. The most influential of these is the area of specialization of the student. The recommendations of the student’s committee also affect the courses he/she takes.

Contact Information:

  • Graduate Programs Office
    343 Leonhard Building
    University Park, PA 16802



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