Six Sigma Minor

Six Sigma is a highly disciplined process that puts sharp focus on developing and delivering near-perfect products and services. It has been used to shape both the strategy and operation of companies of all sizes and sectors. Six Sigma provides a framework for quality improvement and innovation that builds upon statistical tools to achieve results.

The Six Sigma Minor is an 18-credit minor designed for any student who is interested in the Six Sigma statistical methodology. Students completing the minor should:

  • Be knowledgeable about why organizations use Six Sigma and how they apply its philosophy and goals
  • Gain experience with using the define, measure, analyze, improve, control (DMAIC) methodology for problem solving
  • Gain experience with using the define, measure, analyze, design, optimize, verify (DMADOV) methodology for new product innovation
  • Understand the links between customer requirements, product specifications, and process capability
  • Understand the theory and application of regression analysis, design of experiments, and statistical quality control
  • Be familiar with the project selection process including knowing when to use the Six Sigma methodology

Requirements for Industrial Engineering Students

Note: Course descriptions can be found in the University Bulletin.

The minor requires 18 credits of course work as follows:

  • IE 305: Product Design, Specification, and Measurement
  • IE 322: Probabilistic Models in Industrial Engineering
  • IE 323: Statistical Methods in Industrial Engineering
  • IE 433: Regression Analysis and Design of Experiments
  • IE 434: Statistical Quality Control
  • IE 436: Six Sigma Methodology
  • Students must obtain a C or better in the specified courses to satisfy the requirements for the minor.

Requirements for Students in Other Majors

The final two courses, IE 434 and IE 436, must be taken by all students in the minor. Non-industrial engineering students may make the substitutions listed below:

  • Non-industrial engineering students may substitute IE 327: Introduction to Work Design for IE 305. IE 327 is offered during the academic year.
  • Non-industrial engineering students may substitute STAT/MATH 318: Elementary Probability or STAT/MATH 414: Introduction to Probability Theory and STAT/MATH 319: Applied Statistics in Science or STAT/MATH 415: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics for IE 322 and IE 323.
  • Non-industrial engineering students may substitute STAT 460: Intermediate Applied Statistics or STAT 462: Applied Regression Analysis for IE 433.

Entrance to Minor

Students can register for the Six Sigma minor through LionPATH.


Giancarlo Labruna oversees the Six Sigma minor.



Home of the first established industrial engineering program in the world, the Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) at Penn State has made a name for itself in the engineering industry through its storied tradition of unparalleled excellence and innovation in research, education, and outreach.

We are Innovators. We are Makers. We are Excellence in Engineering. We are Penn State IME.

The Harold and Inge Marcus Department of
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

310 Leonhard Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-865-7601

FAX: 814-863-4745