Lynch receives Air Force fellowship to study cost-effective alloys
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Paul C. Lynch, lecturer and academic adviser in the Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Penn State, has been selected to participate in the U.S. Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (AF SFFP) for the second consecutive year.
Lynch will spend eight weeks at Eglin Air Force Base working with his research adviser, Nydeia Wright Bolden, assistant chief scientist with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Munitions Directorate, Aerodynamics Sciences Branch, on a project titled, “Modeling and Characterization of Advanced Materials for the Enhancement and Survivability of High Velocity Penetrators.”
“This year we will focus most of our work on characterizing and controlling the evolution of microstructures and carbide distributions under predetermined heat treatment variables in high strength, low alloy steels,” said Lynch.
“We experienced much success last year and this summer we will continue our work on developing the next generation of cost-effective alloys for the Air Force,” he added.
Lynch has worked with both the U.S. Army Research Lab and the AFRL on previous research projects.
The AF SFFP offers hands-on exposure to Air Force research challenges through eight- to 12-week residences at participating Air Force facilities for full-time science, mathematics and engineering faculty in the United States.