Journal Articles
- Kyubok Lee, Teresa Rinker, Changbai Tan, Masoud Pour, Peihao Geng, Blair Carlson and Jingjing Li, 2025, "Unveiling the correlation between weld structure and fracture modes in laser welding of aluminum and copper using data-driven methods", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 338, pp. 118752
- H. Zhang, L. Yang, S. Ren, K. Wang and Jingjing Li, 2025, "In-situ experimental characterization and numerical investigation of the crack initiation of SMC composite under uniaxial tension", Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 188, pp. 108543
- Zen-Hao Lai, Siguang Xu, Samuel J. Clark, Kamel Fezzaa and Jingjing Li, 2024, "Unveiling mechanisms and onset threshold of humping in high-speed laser welding", Nature Communications, 15, pp. 9546
- Ziwei Jiao, Kaifeng Wang, Jingjing Li and Zhengyu Ma, 2024, "Fracture analysis of chopped carbon fiber sheet molding compound composite under tensile loading via in-situ µXCT", Composites Science and Technology, 248, pp. 110476
- Kyubok Lee, Teresa Rinker, Changbai Tan, Masoud Pour, Guanjin Yan, Wenda Tan and Jingjing Li, 2024, "Data-driven investigation of pore formation mechanisms in laser welding of Al-Cu", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 124, pp. 998-1009
- Hui Sun, Bo Pan, Zhening Yang, Adam Krajewski, Brandon Bocklund, Shun-Li Shang, Jingjing Li, Allison Beese and Zi-Kui Liu, 2024, "MaterialsMap: A CALPHAD-based tool to design composition pathways through feasibility map for desired dissimilar materials, demonstrated with RSW Joining of Ag-Al-Cu", Materialia, 36, pp. 102153
- Shunli Shang, Michael Gao, Yi Wang, Jingjing Li, Allison Beese and Zi-Kui Liu, 2024, "Mechanical properties of pure elements from a comprehensive first-principles study to data-driven insights", Materials Science and Engineering: A, 918, pp. 147446
- L. Yang, H. Zhang, S. Ren, K. Wang and Jingjing Li, 2024, "Multiscale image-based modeling for failure prediction of sheet molding compound composite under uniaxial tension", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 311, pp. 110582
- Bo Pan, Hui Sun, Dongyue Xie, Shunli Shang, Nan Li, Blair Carlson, Yumeng Li, Zi-Kui Liu and Jingjing Li, 2024, "Influence of accelerated corrosion on Al/steel RSW joints by in situ compression tests", Materials Science & Engineering A, 889, pp. 14581
- Kaipeng Lian, Li Yang, Dongyue Zhu, Xuebin Gong, Haoran Zhang, Kaifeng Wang, Jingjing Li and Wenqiang Yu, 2023, "Effect of printing parameters on 3D-printed carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composites under magnetic field control", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 101, pp. 1443-1452
- P. Bansal, Z. Zheng, B. Pan, Y. Meng, W. Wen, M. Banu, Jingjing Li, B. Carlson, C. Shao, P. Wang and Y. Li, 2023, "Corrosion of Al-Fe self-pierce riveting joints with multiphysics-based modeling and experiments", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 95, pp. 434-445
- Zixuan Wan, Hui-ping Wang, Jingjing Li, Baixuan Yang, Joshua Solomon and Blair Carlson, 2023, "Effect of welding mode on remote laser stitch welding of zinc-coated steel with different sheet thickness combinations", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 145, pp. 021014
- N. Chen, H. Wang, V. Liu, B. Pan and Jingjing Li, 2023, "High-strength and high-conductivity Cu-Cu bonding fabricated by resistance micro-welding with amorphous Ni-P coatings and multi-pulse discharging", Scripta Materialia, 226, pp. 115190
- Zhe Gao, Haris Ali Khan, Jingjing Li and Weihong Guo, 2022, "Sensor Fusion and On-Line Monitoring of Friction Stir Blind Riveting for Lightweight Materials Manufacturing", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 144, (6), pp. 061009
- K. Wang, X. Wang, M. Yi, Y. Li and Jingjing Li, 2022, "Investigation of ultrasonically welded thermoplastic composite joints using netlike energy directors", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 144, pp. 051004
- Zixuan Wan, Hui-Ping Wang, Jingjing Li, Joshua Solomon, Nannan Chen and Blair Carlson, 2022, "Effect of beam oscillation frequency on spattering in remote laser stitch welding of thin-gage zinc-coated steel with keyhole penetration", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 302, pp. 117482
- Y. Xiao, Z. Wan, P. Liu, Z. Wang, Jingjing Li and L. Chen, 2022, "Quantitative simulations of grain nucleation and growth at additively manufactured bimetallic interfaces of SS316L and IN625", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 302, pp. 117506
- N. Chen, Z. Wan, H.-P. Wang, Jingjing Li, B. Yang, J. Solomon and B. Carlson, 2022, "Effect of ambient pressure on laser welding of AlSi10Mg fabricated by selected laser melting", Materials & Design, pp. 110427
- Bo Pan, Hui Sun, Shun-Li Shang, Mihaela Banu, Pei-Chung Wang, Blair Carlson, Zi-Kui Liu and Jingjing Li, 2022, "Understanding formation mechanisms of intermetallic compounds in dissimilar Al/steel joint processed by resistance spot welding", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 83, pp. 212-222
- P. Bansal, Z. Zheng, C. Shao, Jingjing Li, M. Banu, B. Carlson and Y. Li, 2022, "Physics-informed machine learning assisted uncertainty quantification for the corrosion of dissimilar material joints", 227, pp. 108711
- Nannan Chen, Hongliang Wang, Jingjing Li, Vic Liu and James Schroth, 2022, "Evolution of interfacial microstructure during resistance spot welding of Cu and Al with Ni-P coating", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 144, pp. 041001
- Bo Pan, Hui Sun, Shun-Li Shang, Weiling Wen, Mihaela Banu, Joseph Simmer, Blair Carlson, Nannan Chen, Zi-Kui Liu, Zhuoyuan Zheng, Pingfeng Wang and Jingjing Li, 2021, "Understanding corrosion in aluminum/steel resistance spot welding and self-pierce riveting joints after salt sprays", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 70, pp. 608-620
- A. T. Clare, R. S. Mishra, M. Merklein, H. Tan, I. Todd, L. Chechik, Jingjing Li and M. Bambach, 2021, "Alloy design and adaptation for additive manufacture", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, pp. 117358
- Zixuan Wan, Hui-Ping Wang, Jingjing Li, Joshua Solomon, Yuanjing Zhu and Blair Carlson, 2021, "Novel measures for spatter prediction in laser welding of thin-gage zinc-coated steel", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 167, pp. 120830
- Nannan Chen, Hongliang Wang, Pawan Veeresh, Jingjing Li, Jay Oswald, Liang Xi, Sean Wagner, Ryan Sekol, Vic Liu, Ke Wang, Thomas Perry and James Schroth, 2021, "Achieving brittle-intermetallic-free and high-conductivity aluminum/copper joints using nickel-phosphorus coatings", Materials & Design, 199, pp. 109435
- Guang Yang, Fangzhou Li, Junfeng Xiao, Halil Tetik, Nasrullah Shah, Xianghui Xiao, Jingjing Li, Yiliang Liao, Shuting Lei, Wenda Tan and Dong Lin, 2021, "In-situ X-Ray observations and thermal modeling of unidirectional and bidirectional freeze casting", Ceramics International, 47, (9), pp. 12234-12243
- Shenli Pei, Kaifeng Wang, Cheng Bang Chang, Jingjing Li, Yang Li, Danielle Zeng, Xuming Su and Hui Yang, 2021, "Process-structure-property analysis of short carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite via fused filament fabrication", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 64, pp. 544-556
- Nannan Chen, Haris Ali Khan, Shengxi Li and Jingjing Li, 2021, "Increased ?3 boundaries: Effects of friction stir and post heating on pure copper", Materials Characterization, 176, pp. 111120
- Haris Ali Khan, Shenli Pei, Nannan Chen, Scott Miller and Jingjing Li, 2020, "Evaluation of µFSBR joint performance by process-physics based quality criteria and online monitoring algorithm", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 278, pp. 116508
- Shenli Pei, Kaifeng Wang, Yang Li, Danielle Zeng, Xuming Su, Xianghui Xiao, Hui Yang and Jingjing Li, 2020, "Mechanical properties prediction of injection molded short/long carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites using micro X-ray computed tomography", Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 130, pp. 105732
- Nannan Chen, Haris Khan, Zixuan Wan, John Lippert, Hui Sun, Shui-Li Shang, Zi-Kui Liu and Jingjing Li, 2020, "Microstructural characteristics and crack formation in additively manufactured bimetal material of 316L stainless steel and Inconel 625", Additive Manufacturing, 32, pp. 101037
- Nannan Chen, Zixuan Wan, Hui-Ping Wang, Jingjing Li, Joshua Solomon and Blair Carlson, 2020, "Effect of Al-Si coating on laser spot welding of press hardened steel and process improvement with annular stirring", Materials & Design, 195, pp. 108986
- Zhe Gao, Weihong Gao and Jingjing Li, 2020, "Tool Wear Characterization and Monitoring with Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Models for Micro-Friction Stir Welding", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 56, pp. 1353-1365
- Kaifeng Wang, Shun-Li Shang, Yuxiang Wang, Anupam Vivek, Glenn Daehn, Zi-Kui Liu and Jingjing Li, 2020, "Unveiling non-equilibrium metallurgical phases in dissimilar Al-Cu joints processed by vaporizing foil actuator welding", Materials & Design, 186, pp. 108306
- Haris Ali Khan, Kaifeng Wang, Shenli Pei, Jingjing and Scott Miller, 2019, "Fatigue damage evolution of micro friction stir blind riveting joint through acoustic emission analysis", Materialia, 5, pp. 100216
- Jing Gao, Kaifeng Wang, Xiaoqian Fu, Sijing Chen, Zijiao Zhang, Qiannan Wang, Jingjing Li and Qian Yu, 2019, "Super plasticity in a cold-welded Al-Cu joint", Applied Physics Letters, 114, pp. 063101
- Kaifeng Wang, Shenli Pei, Yang Li, Jingjing Li, Danielle Zeng, Xuming Su, Xianghui Xiao and Nannan Chen, 2019, "In-situ 3D fracture propagation of short carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites", Composites Science and Technology, 182, (29), pp. 107788
- Avik Samanta, Shaoping Xiao, Ninggang Shen, Jingjing Li and Hongtao Ding, 2019, "Atomistic simulation of diffusion bonding of dissimilar materials undergoing ultrasonic welding", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 103, (1-4), pp. 879–890
- Wayne Cai, Glenn Daehn, Jingjing Li, Rajiv Mishra, Anupam Vivek, Haris Khan and Mageshwari Komarasamy, 2019, "A state-of-the-art review on solid-state metal joining", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 141, (3), pp. 031012
- Haris Khan, Wei-Ming Wang, Kaifeng Wang, Shengxi Li, Scott Miller and Jingjing Li, 2019, "Investigation of mechanical behavior of dissimilar material FSBR joints exposed to a marine environment", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 37, pp. 376-385
- Shenli Pei, Kaifeng Wang, Yang Li, Danielle Zeng, Xuming Su, Jingjing Li, Hui Yang and Xianghui Xiao, 2018, "Spatiotemporal characterization of 3D fracture behavior of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer composites", Composite Structures, 203, pp. 30-37
- Kaifeng Wang, Haris Khan, Jingjing Li, Zhiyi Li and Sinuo Lyu, 2018, "Micro friction stir welding of multilayer aluminum alloy sheets", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 260, pp. 137-145
- Kaifeng Wang, Yuxiang Wang, Jingjing Li, Piyush Upadhyay and Xin Sun, 2018, "Investigation of interfacial layer for friction stir scribe welded aluminum to steel joints", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140, (11), pp. 111005
- Haris Khan, Kaifeng Wang and Jingjing Li, 2018, "Interfacial bonding mechanism and mechanical properties of micro friction stir blind riveting for multiple Cu/Al ultra-thin layers", Materials Characterization, 141, pp. 32-40
- Kaifeng Wang, Bonan Zhou, Jingjing Li, John E Carsley and Yang Li, 2018, "Characterization of plastic anisotropy of AA5182-O Sheets during prestraining and subsequent annealing", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140, (8), pp. 081004
- Shengxi Li, Haris Khan, Lloyd Hihara, Hongbo Cong and Jingjing Li, 2018, "Corrosion behavior of friction stir blind riveted Al/CFRP and Mg/CFRP joints exposed to a marine environment", Corrosion Science, 132, pp. 300-309
- Tahasin Shireen, Chenhui Shao, Hui Wang, Jingjing Li, Xi Zhang and Mingyang Li, 2018, "Iterative multi-task learning for time-series modeling of solar panel PV outputs", Applied Energy, 212, pp. 654–662
- Kaifeng Wang, Jingjing Li, Thomas Stoughton, John Carsley and Blair Carlson, 2018, "Effect of preform annealing on plastic anisotropy of an age-hardenable Al-Mg-Si alloy", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 252, pp. 381-388
- Avik Samanta, Ninggang Shen, Haipeng Ji, Weiming Wang, Jingjing Li and Hongtao Ding, 2018, "Cellular automaton simulation of microstructure evolution for friction stir blind riveting", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140, (3), pp. 031016
- Zijiao Zhang, Kaifeng Wang, Jingjing Li, Qian Yu and Wayne Cai, 2017, "Investigation of interfacial layer for ultrasonic spot welded aluminum to copper joints", Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 12505
- Haris Khan, Jingjing Li and Chenhui Shao, 2017, "Analysis of friction stir riveting processes: a review", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139, (9), pp. 090801
- Kaifeng Wang, Yang Li, Jingjing Li, Mihaela Banu, Weihong Guo and Haris Ali Khan, 2017, "Effect of interfacial preheating on welded joints during ultrasonic composite welding", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 246, pp. 116–122
- Wei-Ming Wang, Haris Ali Khan, Jingjing Li, Scott F Miller, Trimble and A Zachary, 2017, "Classification of failure modes in friction stir blind riveted lap-shear joints with dissimilar materials", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139, (2), pp. 021005
- Youngjun Choe, Weihong Guo, Eunshin Byon, Jionghua Jin and Jingjing Li, 2016, "Change-point detection on solar panel performance using thresholded LASSO", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32, (8), pp. 2653–2665
- Longju Liu, Jingxiang Zhang, Mohsin Ali Badshah, Liang Dong, Jingjing Li, Seok-min Kim and Meng Lu, 2016, "A programmable nanoreplica molding for the fabrication of nanophotonic devices", Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 22445
- Longju Liu, Haris A Khan, Jingjing Li, Andrew C Hillier and Meng Lu, 2016, "A strain-tunable nanoimprint lithography for linear variable photonic crystal filters", Nanotechnology, 27, (29), pp. 295301
- Junying Min, Jingjing Li, Yongqiang Li, Blair E Carlson and Jianping Lin, 2016, "Affected zones in an aluminum alloy frictionally penetrated by a blind rivet", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138, (5), pp. 054501
- Trimble, A Zachary, Brennan Yammamoto and Jingjing Li, 2016, "An inexpensive, portable machine to facilitate testing and characterization of the friction stir blind riveting process", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138, (9), pp. 095001
- Zan Gao, Clifton Bumgardner, Ningning Song, Yunya Zhang, Jingjing Li and Xiaodong Li, 2016, "Cotton-textile-enabled flexible self-sustaining power packs via roll-to-roll fabrication", Nature Communications, 7, pp. 11586
- Jingjing Li, Qian Yu, Zijiao Zhang, Wei Xu and Xin Sun, 2016, "Formation mechanism for the nanoscale amorphous interface in pulse-welded Al/Fe bimetallic systems", Applied Physics Letters, 108, (20), pp. 201606
- Shengxi Li, Haris Khan, Lloyd H Hihara and Jingjing Li, 2016, "Marine atmospheric corrosion of Al-Mg joints by friction stir blind riveting", Corrosion Science, 111, pp. 793–801
- B Croom, W-M Wang, Jingjing Li and X Li, 2016, "Unveiling 3D deformations in polymer composites by coupled micro X-ray computed tomography and volumetric digital image correlation", Experimental Mechanics, 56, (6), pp. 999–1016
- Junying Min, Yongqiang Li, Blair E Carlson, S Jack Hu, Jingjing Li and Jianping Lin, 2015, "A new single-sided blind riveting method for joining dissimilar materials", CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 64, (1), pp. 13–16
- Lan Li, Ping Zhang, Wei-Ming Wang, Hongtao Lin, Aidan B Zerdoum, Sarah J Geiger, Yangchen Liu, Nicholas Xiao, Yi Zou, Okechukwu Ogbuu, Qingyang Du, Xinqiao Jia, Jingjing Li and Juejun Hu, 2015, "Foldable and cytocompatible sol-gel TiO2 photonics", Scientific reports, 5, pp. 13832
- Junying Min, Jingjing Li, Yongqiang Li, Blair E Carlson, Jianping Lin and Wei-Ming Wang, 2015, "Friction stir blind riveting for aluminum alloy sheets", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 215, pp. 20–29
- Junying Min, Jingjing Li, Blair E Carlson, Yongqiang Li, James F Quinn, Jianping Li and Weiming Wang, 2015, "Friction stir blind riveting for dissimilar cast Mg AM60 and Al alloy sheets", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 137, (5), pp. 051022
- Junying Min, Yongqiang Li, Jingjing Li, Blair E Carlson and Jianping Lin, 2015, "Mechanics in frictional penetration with a blind rivet", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 222, pp. 268–279
- J. Min, Y. Li, Jingjing Li, B. E. Carlson and J. Lin, 2015, "Friction stir blind riveting of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composite and aluminum alloy sheets", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 76, pp. 1403-1410
- Kaifeng Wang, John E Carsley, Lianhong Zhang, Thomas B Stoughton, Jingjing Li and Blair E Carlson, 2014, "Forming limits of an age hardenable aluminum sheet after pre-straining and annealing", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 82, pp. 13–24
- Junying Min, Jianping Lin and Jingjing Li, 2014, "Forming limits of Mg alloy ZEK100 sheet in preform annealing process", Materials & Design, 53, pp. 947–953
- Kaifeng Wang, John E Carsley, Baiyan He, Jingjing Li and Lianhong Zhang, 2014, "Measuring forming limit strains with digital image correlation analysis", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214, (5), pp. 1120–1130
- Junying Min, Jingjing Li, Blair E Carlson, Yongqiang Li and Jianping Lin, 2014, "Mechanical property of Al alloy joints by friction stir blind riveting", Procedia Engineering, 81, pp. 2036–2041
- Kaifeng Wang, Baiyan He, John E Carsley, Rajesh S Raghavan, Jingjing Li, Susan E Hartfield-Wünsch and Lianhong Zhang, 2014, "Structure–property characterization of an age hardenable Al–Mg–Si alloy after straining and flash annealing", Materials Science and Engineering: A, 595, pp. 25–33
- Sushil Kumar Mishra, Sankara Sarma V Tatiparti, Shashank M Tiwari, Rajesh S Raghavan, John E Carsley and Jingjing Li, 2013, "Annealing response of AA5182 deformed in plane strain and equibiaxial strain paths", Philosophical Magazine, 93, (20), pp. 2613–2629
- S Shawn Lee, Tae Hyung Kim, S Jack Hu, Wayne W Cai, Jeffrey A Abell and Jingjing Li, 2013, "Characterization of joint quality in ultrasonic welding of battery tabs", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 135, (2), pp. 021004
- Sladjan Lazarevic, Scott F Miller, Jingjing Li and Blair E Carlson, 2013, "Experimental analysis of friction stir forming for dissimilar material joining application", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 15, (4), pp. 616–624
- Jingjing Li, John E Carsley, Thomas B Stoughton, Louis G Hector and S Jack Hu, 2013, "Forming limit analysis for two-stage forming of 5182-O aluminum sheet with intermediate annealing", International Journal of Plasticity, 45, pp. 21–43
- Jingjing Li, S Jack Hu, John E Carsley, Theresa M Lee, Louis G Hector, Jr and Sushil Mishra, 2011, "Postanneal mechanical properties of prestrained AA5182-O sheets", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 133, (6), pp. 061007
- Jingjing Li, Sooho Kim, Theresa M Lee, Paul E Krajewski, Hui Wang and S Jack Hu, 2011, "The effect of prestrain and subsequent annealing on the mechanical behavior of AA5182-O", Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528, (10), pp. 3905–3914
- W Yang, L Zhang, Z Xie, Jingjing Li, H Miao and L An, 2005, "Growth and optical properties of ultra-long single-crystalline a-Si3N4 nanobelts", Applied Physics A, 80, (7), pp. 1419–1423
- Weiyou Yang, Zhipeng Xie, Jingjing Li, Hezhuo Miao, Ligong Zhang and Linan An, 2005, "Ultra-long single-crystalline a-Si3N4 nanowires: derived from a polymeric precursor", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 88, (6), pp. 1647–1650
- Weiyou Yang, Zhipeng Xie, Jingjing Li, Hezhuo Miao, Ligong Zhang and Linan An, 2004, "Growth of platelike and branched single-crystalline Si3N4 whiskers", Solid state communications, 132, (3), pp. 263–268
- Zhe Gao, Haris Ali Khan, Jingjing Li and Weihong Guo, , "Sensor fusion and on-line monitoring of friction stir blind riveting for lightweight materials manufacturing", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering