- Arunachalam Ravindran, Paul Marshal Griffin and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2018, Service Systems Engineering and Management
Journal Articles
- Hyunjong Shin, Ling Rothrock and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2024, "Evaluating Technicians’ Workload and Performance in Diagnosis for Corrective Maintenance", Sensors, 24, (6), pp. 1943
- Chintan Patil and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2024, "Supply chain cash-flow bullwhip effect: An analytical model for working capital variance propagation", The Engineering Economist, 69, (2), pp. 129-161
- Toyosi Ademujimi and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2024, "Model-Driven Bayesian Network Learning for Factory-Level Fault Diagnostics and Resilience", Sustainability, 16, (2), pp. 513
- Xiao He and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2022, "Design and analysis of AGV-based cross-docking operations using analytical models", Production & Manufacturing Research, 10(1), 428-449
- Jaehun Sim, Vittaldas V Pra andhu, , 2022, "The impact of credit risk on cash-bullwhip in supply chain", The Engineering Economist, 67, (4)
- Sai Aravind Sarswatula, Tanna Pugh and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2022, "Modeling Energy Consumption using Machine Learning", Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology, 12
- Rakshith Badarinath and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2022, "Real-Time Sensing of Output Polymer Flow Temperature and Volumetric Flowrate in Fused Filament Fabrication Process", Materials
- Toyosi Ademujimi and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2022, "Digital Twin for Training Bayesian Networks for Fault Diagnostics of Manufacturing Systems", Sensors
- Rakshith Badarinath and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2021, "Integration and evaluation of robotic fused filament fabrication system", Additive Manufacturing
- Toyosi Ademujimi and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2021, "Fusion-Learning of Bayesian Network Models for Fault Diagnostics", Sensors
- Yoonuen Lee and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2019, "Evaluation and monitoring of community youth prevention programs using a robust productivity index", Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
- Jaehun Sim and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2018, "The life cycle assessment of energy and carbon emissions on wool and nylon carpets in the United States", Journal of Cleaner Production, 170, pp. 1231-1243
- Jaehun Sim and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2017, "A microcredit contract model with a Black Scholes model under default risk"
- Shushu Wang, Rakshith Badrinath, El-Amine Lehtihet and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2017, "Evaluation of Additive Manufacturing Processes in Fabrication of Personalized Robot", International Journal of Automation Technology, 11, (1), pp. 29-37
- Yuncheol Kang, Amy M Sawyer, Paul Marshal Griffin and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2016, "Modelling adherence behaviour for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea", European journal of operational research, 249, (3), pp. 1005–1013
- Seokgi Lee, Yuncheol Kang, Nicholas S Ialongo and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2016, "Predictive analytics for delivering prevention services", Expert Systems with Applications, 55, pp. 469–479
- Seokgi Lee, Yuncheol Kang and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2016, "Smart logistics: distributed control of green crowdsourced parcel services", International Journal of Production Research, pp. 1–13
- Seokgi Lee and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2015, "A Dynamic Algorithm for Distributed Feedback Control for Manufacturing Production, Capacity, and Maintenance", Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 12, (2), pp. 628–641
- Seokgi Lee and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2015, "Energy-aware feedback control for production scheduling and capacity control", International Journal of Production Research, pp. 1–13
- Vittaldas V Prabhu, Damien Trentesaux and Marco Taisch, 2015, "Energy-aware manufacturing operations", International Journal of Production Research, pp. 1–11
- Gökan May, Bojan Stahl, Marco Taisch and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2015, "Multi-objective genetic algorithm for energy-efficient job shop scheduling", International Journal of Production Research, pp. 1–19
- Jinkun Lee and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2015, "Optimal search of distributed arrival time control", International Journal of Production Research, 53, (15), pp. 4499–4510
- Amy M Sawyer, Yuncheol Kang, Vasant Honavar, Paul Marshal Griffin and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2015, "Stimulating new and innovative perspectives on old and persistent problems: a commentary on" Attempters adherers and non-adherers: latent profile analysis of CPAP use with correlates" by Wohlgemuth et al.", Sleep medicine, 16, (3), pp. 311
- Adriana Giret, Damien Trentesaux and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2015, "Sustainability in manufacturing operations scheduling: A state of the art review", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 37, pp. 126–140
- Gökan May, Bojan Stahl, Marco Taisch and Vittal Prabhu, 2015, "Multi-objective genetic algorithm for energy-efficient job shop scheduling", International Journal of Production Research, (ahead-of-print), pp. 1–19
- Amy M Sawyer, Yuncheol Kang, Vasant Honavar, Paul Marshal Griffin and Vittal Prabhu, 2015, "Stimulating new and innovative perspectives on old and persistent problems: A commentary on Wohlgemuth, et al.“Attempters, adherers, and non-adherers: Latent profile analysis of CPAP use with correlates”", Sleep Medicine
- S. Lee and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2014, "A Dynamic Algorithm for Distributed Feedback Control for Manufacturing Production, Capacity, and Maintenance", Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, PP, (99), pp. 1-14
- Gabriel Zambrano Rey, Abdelghani Bekrar, Vittaldas V Prabhu and Damien Trentesaux, 2014, "Coupling a genetic algorithm with the distributed arrival-time control for the JIT dynamic scheduling of flexible job-shops", International Journal of Production Research, 52, (12), pp. 3688–3709
- Hyun Woo Jeon, Marco Taisch and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2014, "Modelling and analysis of energy footprint of manufacturing systems", International Journal of Production Research, (ahead-of-print), pp. 1–11
- Jinkun Lee and Vittal Prabhu, 2014, "Optimal search of distributed arrival time control", International Journal of Production Research, (ahead-of-print), pp. 1–12
- Gabriel Zambrano Rey, Thérèse Bonte, Vittaldas V Prabhu and Damien Trentesaux, 2014, "Reducing myopic behavior in FMS control: A semi-heterarchical simulation–optimization approach", Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 46, pp. 53–75
- Rattachut Tangsucheeva and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2014, "Stochastic financial analytics for cash flow forecasting", International Journal of Production Economics, 158, pp. 65–76
- Vittal Prabhu, Marco Taisch and Dimitris Kiritsis, 2013, "Advances in Production Management Systems: Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains"
- Chen-Yang Cheng and Vittal Prabhu, 2013, "An approach for research and training in enterprise information system with RFID technology", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 24, (3), pp. 527–540
- Yuncheol Kang, Vittaldas V Prabhu, Amy M Sawyer and Paul Marshal Griffin, 2013, "Data mining for characterizing obstructive sleep apnea treatment adherence trends", Submitted to Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Rattachut Tangsucheeva and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2013, "Modeling and analysis of cash-flow bullwhip in supply chain", International Journal of Production Economics, 145, (1), pp. 431–447
- C. Y. Cheng*, T. M. Pugh, L. Rothrock and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2012, "Enterprise Transformation for Enabling University-Industrial Collaboration: A Case Study in Complexity and Usability", INFORMS Service Science, 4, (1), pp. 55-68
- M. R. Steis, Vittaldas V Prabhu, A. M. Kolanowski, Y. Kang, K. H. Bowles, D. M. Fick and L. K. Evans, 2012, "Detection of delirium in community-dwelling persons with dementia", Online Journal of Nursing Informatics
- N. I. Shaikh, Vittaldas V Prabhu, D. Abril, J. Arias, E. Rodríguez, D. Sánchez and G. Riaño, 2011, "Kimberly-Clark Latin America builds an Optimal Scheduling System", INFORMS INTERFACES, 41, (5), pp. 455-465
- V. Salaka and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2011, "Information Theoretic Metrics for Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Data from Consumer Surveys", INFORMS Service Science Winter 2011, 3, (4), pp. 338-348
- C. Y. Cheng and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2011, "Evaluation models for service oriented process in spare parts management", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
- C. Y. Cheng, D. Barton and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2010, "The servicisation of the cutting tool supply chain", International Journal of Production Research, 48, (1), pp. 1-19
- M. Masin and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2009, "AWIP: A Simulation-based Feedback Control Algorithm for Scalable Design of Self-regulating Production Control Systems", IIE Transactions, 41, (2), pp. 120-133
- N. I. Shaikh and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2009, "Monitoring and prioritizing alerts for exception analytics", 47, (10), pp. 2785-2804
- L. Wang and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2009, "A stochastic perturbation algorithm for inventory optimization in supply chains", International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (IJISSCM), 2, (3), pp. 1-18
- S. Baek and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2009, "Computational model for substrate motion in EB-PVD process", Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24, (12), pp. 1-6
- S. Baek and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2009, "Simulation model for EB-PVD coating microstructure using the level set method", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 11, (1), pp. 1-7
- B. H. Jeong, C. Y. Cheng and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2009, "Modeling and Analysis of Surgery Patient Identification Using RFID", International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), 1, (4), pp. 1-15
- V. Salaka and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2008, "Project management and scheduling for enterprise integration", International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 1, (2), pp. 167-184
- S. Baek and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2008, "An algorithm for solving multiobjective problem with multiple Decision Makers", International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, 1, (2), pp. 178-193
- N. I. Shaikh and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2007, "Mathematical modeling and simulation of cryogenic tunnel freezers", Journal of Food Engineering, 80, (2), pp. 701-710
- N. I. Shaikh and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2007, "Model predictive controller for cryogenic tunnel freezers", Journal of Food Engineering, 80, (2), pp. 711-718
- V. Salaka, C. Y. Cheng and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2007, "Rollout Plan for Training and Education in Enterprise Information Systems", International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems
- A. Pandey, M. Masin and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2007, "Adaptive logistic controller for distributed supply chains", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 26, pp. 108-115
- S. Cho and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2007, "Distributed adaptive control of production scheduling and machine capacity", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 26, pp. 65-74
- S. Baek and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2007, "Finite element model for unified EB-PVD machine dynamics", Surface Engineering, 23, (6), pp. 453-463
- J. K. Raja and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2007, "An Integrated Software System for Enterprise Performance Management", International Journal of Management and Decision Making
- L. Wang and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2006, "A parallel algorithm for multi-product CONWIP systems", International Journal of Production Research, 44, (21), pp. 4681-4693
- I. Fuke, Vittaldas V Prabhu and S. Baek, 2006, "Computational Models for Predicting Coating Thickness in Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposition", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 7, (2), pp. 140-152
- N. I. Shaikh and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2005, "Vision System for Model Based Control of Cryogenic Tunnel Freezers", Computers in Industry, 56, (8-9), pp. 777-786
- P. Koomsap, N. I. Shaikh and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2005, "Integrated Process Control and Condition Based Maintenance Scheduler for Distributed Manufacturing Control Systems", International Journal of Production Research, 43, (8/15), pp. 1625-1641
- S. Cho, S. Lewis, Vittaldas V Prabhu and I. V. Fuke, 2005, "Intelligent Automation of Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposition (EB-PVD)", Surface Engineering, 21, (1), pp. 17-26
- Vittaldas V Prabhu, S. Cho, I. V. Fluke and J. Singh, 2005, "Rapid Manufacturing of Rhenium Components Using EB-PVD", Rapid Prototyping Journal, 11, (2)
- A. Phukan, M. Kalava and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2005, "Complexity Metrics for Manufacturing Control Architectures Based on Software and Information Flow", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 49, pp. 1-20
- A. Sharma and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2005, "Computing and Communication Quality of Service for Distributed Time-scaled Simulation in Heterarchical Manufacturing Control", International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 25, (4), pp. 225-233
- A. Sharma and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2005, "Queuing Models for Computing and Communication Performance in Distributed Manufacturing Control Systems", International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 25, (4), pp. 234-252
- S. Cho, I. Fuke and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2005, "Motion Planning for Coating Process Optimization in Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposition", Surface Engineering, 21, (4), pp. 279-289
- S. Ramakrishnan, R. A. Wysk and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2004, "Prediction of Process Parameters for Intelligent Control of Tunnel Freezers using Simulation Models", Journal of Food Engineering, 65, (1), pp. 23-31
- J. Hong and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2004, "Distributed Reinforcement Learning Control for Batch Sequencing and Sizing in Just-In-Time Manufacturing Systems", Applied Intelligence, 20, (1), pp. 71-87
- Jinkun Lee, Filipe Lopez, Peter Deno and Vittaldas V Prabhu, , "Simulation Modeling for Optimal Control of Additive Manufacturing Processes", Additive Manufacturing, 12, pp. 197-203
- H. W. Jeon, M. Taisch and Vittaldas V Prabhu, , "Measuring Variability on Electrical Power Demands in Manufacturing Operations", 137, pp. 1628-1646
- Yuncheol Kang, Melinda R Steis, Ann Kolanowski, Donna Fick and Vittaldas V Prabhu, , "Measuring agreement between healthcare survey instruments using mutual information", BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 16(1) 99
- Seok Gi Lee and Vittaldas V Prabhu, , "Just-in-time delivery for green fleets: a feedback control approach", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 46, (July 2016), pp. 229–245
Conference Proceedings
- Kai-Wen Tien and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2021, "Engineering Large Event Catering Services", Springer, Cham, pp. 215-223
- Kai-Wen Tien, William Sitzabee, Phillip Melnick and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2021, "Smart Landscaping Services", Springer, Cham, pp. 220-227
- Chintan Patil and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2021, "Cash-Flow Bullwhip Effect in the Semiconductor Industry: An Empirical Investigation", Springer, Cham, pp. 68-77
- Jinkun Lee and Vittaldas Prabhu, 2014, "Intelligent Optimizing Controller: Development of a Fast Optimal Control Algorithm", SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP14)
- Jinkun Lee, Jogender Singh and Vittal Prabhu, 2014, "Automatic optimal control of Field Assisted Sintering Technology", pp. 764–769
- Y. C. Kang, Vittaldas V Prabhu, A. M. Sawyer and P. M. Griffin, 2013, "Markov Models for Treatment Adherence in Obstructive Sleep Apnea", Proceedings of the ISERC 2013 Conference
- Y. C. Kang, Vittaldas V Prabhu, A. M. Sawyer and P. M. Griffin, 2013, "Data Mining for Characterizing Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment Adherence Trends", Proceedings of the ISERC 2013 Conference
- R. Tangsucheeva and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2013, "Impact of Supply Chain Bullwhip on Cash Flow Forecast", Proceedings of the ISERC 2013 Conference
- Jaehun Sim and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2013, "Game Theoretical Approach to Supply Chain Microfinance", Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 48-53
- Vittaldas V Prabhu and Gökan May, 2013, "Energy Related Key Performance Indicators: State of the Art, Gaps and Industrial Needs", Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 257-267
- Hyun Woo Jeon and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2013, "Modeling Energy Performance of Manufacturing Systems Using Gi/M/1 Queues", Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 127-134
- Seokgi Lee, Yuncheol Kang and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2013, "Continuous variable control approach for home care crew scheduling", pp. 2262–2273
- H. W. Jeon and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2012, "Modeling Green Fabs: A Queuing Theory Approach for Evaluating Energy Performance", Proceedings of Advances in Production Management Systems
- Vittaldas V Prabhu, H. W. Jeon and M. Taisch, 2012, "Modeling Green Factory Physics: An Analytical Approach", Proceedings of IEEE CASE 2012
- Vittaldas V Prabhu and M. Taisch, 2012, "Simulation Modeling of Energy Dynamics in Discrete Manufacturing Systems", Proceedings of 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2012)
- S. G. Lee and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2011, "Real-time Feedback Control for Production, Maintenance, and Capacity", IESM 2011
- W. Rios, J. R. Crespo and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2011, "Financing and Mobile Technologies in Microfinance of Mexican Mango Exports", Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference
- J. R. Crespo, W. Rios, Vittaldas V Prabhu and L. A. Medina, 2011, "Innovative Technologies in Credit Card Fraud Detection: A Centralized Approach", Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference
- Y. C. Kang and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2011, "An Approach for Dynamic Optimization of Prevention Program Implementation in Stochastic Environments", Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 6589, pp. 260-267
- Y. Kang, Vittaldas V Prabhu, M Steis, Ann M Kolanowski, Donna M Fick and K. Bowles, 2010, "Integrating Information from Family Caregivers for Eldercare", Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference
- L. A. Medina, V. Valdebenito, P. Neto, R. Wysk, R. Ravindran and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2010, "Validation Issues for a Complex Simulation Model of a DC", Proc. of IERC 2010
- S. G. Lee and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2010, "Simulation-Based Control for Green Transportation with High Delivery Service", Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference
- L. A. Medina, R. U. Bilsel, R. A. Wysk, Vittaldas V Prabhu and A. R. Ravidran, 2009, "Simulation for Predictive Control of a Distribution Center", Proc. of the Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2426-2435
- Seok Gi Lee and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2009, "Distributed Arrival Time Control For Vehicle Routing Problems With Time Windows", Proceedings of ICINCO 2009
- C. Y. Cheng and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2009, "Experimental Investigation of EMI on RFID in Manufacturing Facilities", Proceedings of the 5th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
- Seok Gi Lee and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2009, "Performance of Truck Assignment and Routing Algorithm", Proceedings of IERC 2009
- C. Y. Cheng and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2007, "Performance Modeling of Business Processes Enabled by RFID and Web Services", Proceedings of 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2007), pp. 718-723
- C. Y. Cheng and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2007, "Applying Radio Frequency Identification for Cutting Tool Supply Chain Management", Proceedings of the 2007 Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC 2007), pp. 637-642
- C. Y. Cheng and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2007, "Complexity Metrics for Business Process Enabled by RFID and Web Services", Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2007), pp. 812-819
- V. Salaka and Vittaldas V Prabhu, 2006, "Project Management for Enterprise Integration", 10th IEEE International EDOC Enterprise Computing Conference, pp. 284-293